This is some mardown examples I wanted to test. I really wanted to find a way to place code in an html page. below ares some samples, including a table of contents. Take a look at the RAM markdown file to see the code that makes this page. RAW markdown file
## Sample Code Blocks below is a code sample - Black and White ### test1
# test powershell script no highlights
Write-host "Hello World";
$service = Get-Service
$service | select Name
below is a code sample - using highlight ### test2 # test powershell script Write-host "Hello World"; $process = Get-Process $process | select Name ### test3 Powershell script display 3 - Powershell markdown ```posh <# comment block #> function test { return 99; } $x = 1 # Comment Write-host "This is a test $var" $string = "This is a test" $servie = Get-Service $service | format-table -autosize ``` ### Table of Contents 2 ### - [Sample Code Blocks](#sample-code-blocks) - [Sample 1](#test1) - [Sample 2](#test2) - [Sample 3](#test3) **Insert Lead paragraph here.** # head1 # ## head2 ## ### Head3 ### #### Head4 #### **bold** _italic_ 1. item1 1. item2 1. item3 1. item 3A 1. item 3B * one * two * two A Table First Header | Second Header ------------ | ------------- Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2 Content in the first column | Content in the second column ~~strike through~~ Block quote > one > two Emojis (Add enableEmoji = true to your config.toml) :tent: :peacock: :smiley: For more info on Emojis Test image 1 ![posh](/img/powershell-icon-9.jpg) Test image 2 drawing Test image 3 ![cover](/images/cover.jpg)